Practice (Slow Pitch Softball) Drills

Suitable for Girls Ten and Under

Note: Commands given by coaches are in bold.


1.      Ready position

·        Off of heels and moving slightly.

·        Coach must ensure player’s hands stay in front of her body.

·        Players must think they will get their hands on the ball every play.

·        Must insist players do this on every play.

2.      Point Drill

·        Player starts in the ready position

·        Coach points left or right, then says “back.”

·        Player takes one step and then goes back to ready position.

·        If point to players right, left foot moves first.

·        If point to players left, right foot moves first.

·        Advanced: Two steps, three steps.

3.      Fielding position

·        Start with feet 1.5 times shoulder length, in ready position.

·        Then go down with elbows on knees, and extend hands out in front and mitt on the ground.

·        Player’s backs should be flat.

·        Glove should be spread out and on the ground.

4.      Roll ball back and forth between two players.

·        Makes players confident they can field a ground ball.

·        The two players should be positioned only a few feet from one another.

·        Coaches commands:

·        Ready position (to player fielding the ball)

·        Fielding position (to player fielding the ball)

·        Role the ball (command given to the player with the ball, DUH!)

·        Then, switch from roll to one hop.

·        Same as above but last command is one hop ball.

5.      Catch, cover, cradle, and pop.

·        Player with ball rolls the ball to the fielding player, who catches, covers, cradles, and throws the ball.

·        Coach’s commands (The ready and fielding position commands are now assumed and no longer given verbally). Coach begins this drill with the roll the ball command.

·        Coach then gives the following commands, quickly, one after the other.

·        Catch, cover, cradle, and pop

·        Pop definition - “Feet pop into throwing position with glove shoulder pointing at target and throwing hand foot perpendicular to target.”

·        Ensure the throwing foot is perpendicular to the other player.

6.      Player in the middle

·        This drill can be found under “Lots of Fun” in Coach’s book (p46).

·        Requires five players and a coach.

·        Four players simulate the four bases.

·        Fifth player in the middle.

·        Give ball to the player representing home base.

·        Coach commands

·        Roll the ball

·        Yells out which base to throw the ball to.

·        First, second, third, OR home

·        Whoever receives the throw becomes “home”

·        Players will find this game a little awkward initially, but also fun!

7.      Tennis ball fly balls

·        Gives pop fly practice to players

·        Equipment: one racquet and a few tennis balls

·        One player at a time with coach.

·        Two or so “players” can be watching.

·        Practice infield and outfield.

·        Also good for catcher.

8.      Batting stance and swing (by as many players at one time as there are bats)

·        Always teach the lower body first.

·        Selected parts of stance

·        Feet: Back foot planted and pointed straight ahead (toward plate).

·        Grip: Second knuckles must line up.

·        Swing: Elbows should be in

·        Balance: Players should not be off balance during or after the swing.

·        Coach commands

·        Ready (player in batting stance)

·        Swing

9.      Flip station hitting drill

·        Equipment: Bat, whiffle balls and a fence or wall.

·        Batter and partner to flip the balls to the batter.

·        The flipper is parallel to the batter and flips the whiffle ball out in front of the batter.

·        Batter swings and hits ball into the fence or wall.

·        25 swings each, each player does it twice.

10.  Batting Tee hitting drill.

·        Equipment: Bat, tennis balls and tee or substitute tee.

·        Batter swings at tennis balls that are placed on the tee by her partner.

·        Ensure tee is in front of the plate and not on the plate.

·        Player’s belly button should line up with middle of plate.

·        Or, front foot lines up with front of plate.

·        The player’s toes should not be closer than one of their feet lengths, measured from the side of the plate to the toes.

·        Batter swings and hits ball into the fence or wall.

·        25 swings each, each player does it twice.

11.  Short feed throwing drill

·        Player starts in fielding position, glove on ground, ball in glove.

·        Distance simulates distance between second basemen (thrower) and first basemen (target)

·        Coach commands: pivot: feet to target

·        Player with ball steps and throws underhand feed to partner

·        Coaches ensure there is follow through with the feet

·        Almost shaking hands with partner.

12.  Relay Game

·        3 players per team, lined up in a row.

·        The game starts on one end.

·        Player on one end throws ball to player in middle, who throws to player at opposite end.

·        The player with ball throws to player in middle, who throws to the player at opposite end.

·        Rotate the player in middle with the other two players.

·        Remind players to turn gloved shoulder toward the target.

13.  Long throw hat drill

·        Do this drill only after players are warmed up.

·        Determine what is a “long distance”.

·        Two players per team.

·        One player throws the balls

·        Each player throws at least 20 times.

·        Other player places her hat on the ground a “long” distance from the thrower.

·        Other player stands behind her hat.

·        Object is for throwing player to 1-hop the ball, trying to hit the hat.

·        Throw back and forth between the pair.

14.  Pitching bucket drill (slow pitch)

·        Distance from mound to plate must be accurate (35 feet).

·        Bucket is placed just on the catcher side of the plate.

·        Catcher squats behind the bucket

·        Object is for pitcher to toss the ball into the bucket, like Bozo’s circus!

15.  Regular pitching practice

·        With catcher and umpire (coach, calling balls and strikes).

·        Catcher must hold up mitt as a target.

·        Catcher must throw ball directly back to pitcher

·        Bad throws gets pitcher out of rhythm.

16.  Towel drill

·        Entire team can do at once (if you have 5-6 hand towels).

·        One player with towel, the other sticks out her hand (with or without glove).

·        Player with towel

·        Marks her starting position.

·        Shuffles (we will demonstrate this, also see tape).

·        Marks front foots ending position.

·        Repeats to make sure distance is the same every time.

·        From the ending mark, player does five heel-to-toes.

·        This is where the other player’s hand is positioned.

·        Towel is held in the middle

·        Hold with the 3 inside fingers, the middle finger on top.

·        Player shuffles and hits the other player’s hand with the towel.

·        This step is the drill!

·        Twenty reps

·        Mechanics and balance are critical.

17.  Simple catch

·        Follows towel drill

·        No wimpy catch

·        Two players to a team

·        Throwing motion and mechanics should be same as in towel drill

·        Players must shuffle before throwing, then immediately move back to starting position.

·        Players stand apart about the distance between shortstop and first base.

·        Coaches commands

·        Shuffle and throw (one command)

·        Back

·        Receiving players should be in ready position before ball is thrown.

·        Receiving player now becomes the throwing player.

·        Repeat entire process twenty times or more.

18.  Base running

·        Coaches commands are:

·        Run through first,

·        Take turn and come back, OR

·        Go to second.

·        Change from last year regarding the last two commands above:

·        Either foot can touch first base. Does not have to be the right foot.