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Softball Book Reviews
Book Worms will Dive Right Into These Books
Be The Best  Softball A Step-By-Step Guide
By Dick Walker
Publisher Troll Associates: ISBN: 0-8167-1937-3 (lib. bdg.) ISBN: 0-8167-1938-1 (pbk.)

Beautiful first book for your young softball player. Many drawings and easy text the beginning player can relate to. 60 pages.

The book begins with telling us softball is a fun sport and the story of how softball came about. The game's rules are briefly explained, followed by chapters on throwing and catching, slow-pitch pitching, fast-pitch pitching, fielding, hitting, base rumming, and concluding with sportsmanship.

The Illustrated Rules of Softball
By Anne Sublett   Endorsed by the ASA.
Publisher Hambleton-Hill Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1-57102-063-2 (pbk)

An even easier to read book than the one above, this book is chocked-full of pictures. The young player learns a lot, but no subject is covered deeply, therefore keeping the players interest.  32 pages.

While the book is too concise to give an overall feel for the game of softball, it is still an excellent beginning softball introduction. Chapters include: The Game of Softball, Rules, Players, Important Signals of the Game, Sportsmanship, Summary of the Rules, and a Glossary.

Softball Fast and Slow Pitch
Mario Pagnoni and Gerald Robinson
Publisher: Master Press   ISBN:  1-57028-025-8

An in-depth teaching and philosophy of the game. This book is for the coaches, interested parents, and advanced older players. 239 pages.
The book assumes you are familiar with the basic principles of the game. It offers many drills, and "how to's." A very good book.

Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully
Kathy L. Veroni
Publisher: Human Kinetics   ISBN:  0-88011-546-7   238 pages.

This is a no-nonsense, very concentrated effort to explain the fundamentals of being a fastpitch coach, but also covers advanced steps for the seasoned coach. If my daughter still loves this sport in high school and beyond, I will be referring to this book heavily.

For coaching ESAA kids, it may be overkill. However, the ESAA committee may find the chapter "Building a Softball Program" very interesting.  Also, parents and coaches may find the chapter entitled "Motivating Player," well, motivating.

The Louisville Slugger Complete Book of Women's Fast-Pitch Softball
John Monteleone and Deborah Chisfield
Publisher: Henry Holt and company  ISBN: None listed!!!
Copyright 1999 by Mountain Lion, Inc.   219 pages.

This book is divided into four Sections, The Offensive Game, The Defensive Game, Pitching, and Physical Fitness. Each of te first three sections begins with a chapter on the fundamentals, then the middle chapters that explain drills and training, and a ending chapter for the advanced player.

It is a good all around book with many black & white photos.